Submission Guidelines
DreamMiners Publishing is always looking for talented writers and artists to feature on our blog and in upcoming print anthologies. We accept submissions year-round. We choose 2-3 writers a week to feature on our site.
Submissions can be sent as an attachment to Please include your full name (or pseudonym), a brief bio (max. 150 words), and an email address we can reach you at.
We accept previously unpublished poetry, prose, artwork and photography. We do not have restrictions on content. Artists and writers can (and are encouraged to) submit more than once each year, and we may publish your work more than once.
ARTWORK & PHOTOGRAPHY:We accept submissions of color and b&w art and photography. We ask that you submit each photograph as a separate .jpg file attachment along with the name of the photograph. We will accept up to FIVE pieces of artwork and/or photography per contributor per issue.
PROSE:You may submit up to THREE pieces of prose. This may include fiction, non-fiction, memoir, flash fiction, or essays. No longer than 3,000 words. Each piece should be sent as a separate attachment.
POETRY:We accept poetry of all forms and styles. Please send each titled poem as a separate attachment. We will accept up to FIVE poems per contributor per issue. You may submit up to five poems at a time; anything beyond five will not be considered.
You will be contacted within one month of submitting your work via email if we have selected to feature you on our blog or in an upcoming anthology.
By submitting to DreamMiners Publishing, you grant us one-time rights to publish your work online and to promote your work through our site and social media.
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